Counterparty Credit Risk: How Banks and Investment Firms Calculate Their Exposure and Capital Requirements
Instructor: Dr Marios Kyriacou
Webinar’s Topics:
- Introduction
- Scope
- Requirements for CRR
- Netting Sets vs Hedging Sets
- Exposure at Default and Risk Weighted Assets
- Replacement Cost
- Potential Future Exposure calculation process
- Allocation of Transactions to Hedging Sets
- Add-Ons and Market Risk Adjustments for each asset class
- Margin Agreements covering Multiple Netting Sets
- Requirements for Exposures to Central Counterparties
- Qualifying Central Counterparties
- Types of Exposures to Qualifying Central Counterparties
- Clearing Member Exposures to Clients
- Exposures as a client of clearing members
- Requirements for Risk Management Related to QCCPs
- Review and Audit Requirements
- Numerical examples for calculating EAP and Replacement Cost