A credit rating is a quantified assessment of the creditworthiness of the assessed company; it provides a subjective view of the assessed company’s ability to repay in full its contractual financial obligations.
Straightforward. You can order on-line a Company Business Rating Report by filling-in the Input Form. Click here
A Company Business Rating Report enables you to check a company quickly and simply, verify your business partners, vendors, buyers, suppliers, etc.., mitigate trade risks and make better & risk-informed decisions.
You can place an order for a Company Business Rating Report only for Companies that are incorporated in Cyprus and Greece.
The delivery time depends from the type of the Report:
Anyone can order a Company Business Rating Report, from individuals to entrepreneurs, retailers to corporates (such as mobile phone contract suppliers, supermarkets, service providers, goods suppliers, other types of credit providers), insurance companies, banking and other credit institutions, finance companies, investment firms, electronic money and payment institutions, etc.
A Comprehensive Report includes the following:
You may order our Premium report which contain additional information on AML Risk Assessment for the assessed Company, its shareholders and directors.
The Company Business Rating Report has been prepared by using and in reliance to publicly available sources and information collected by third parties and through research as well as local and international public data (articles, magazines, newspapers, etc.). MNK Risk Consulting Ltd, its employees and all connected persons, make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information appearing in the public domain and/or provided by any third party. Therefore, the author, its employees and all its connected persons shall accept no liability by any third party in respect of any actions, decisions or any losses arising directly or indirectly as a result of relying on such information presented therein.
Every time an order is placed for the specific company to be assessed.
In order to receive an updated report, you would need to place a new order.
The ordered Report provides information that the Recipient can consider for general information purposes only. Ratings, recommended credit amounts and AML profiling (where included) assigned by MNK Risk Consulting Ltd are subjective views based on established criteria and methodologies that MNK Risk Consulting Ltd is continuously evaluating and updating. The Report shall be prepared for information purposes only and nothing in the order report is or should be construed as advice to proceed or not to proceed with a transaction. While the Report may be a factor to be taken into account by the Recipient(s) when deciding whether or not to proceed, regard must be taken by the Recipient(s) to the restrictions on the scope of our work and should not be regarded as a substitute for any warranties or representations or other work a buyer / seller / provider / supplier would reasonably be expected to obtain/ carry out. Ratings are subject to change, and therefore cannot be described as being “accurate” or “inaccurate”.
If you have any questions relating to the contents of the ordered Company Business Rating Report, please send an email to cobizrating@mnkriskconsulting.com
Order your Company Business Rating Report now.