Regulatory Developments

Relevant to: Cyprus Investment Firms (‘CIFs’)Circular C611 (“the Circular”) dated 22/12/2023 is issued pursuant to section 25(1)(c)(ii) & (iii) of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission Law (the ‘CySEC Law’). Through Circular C611, CySEC wishes to inform all CIFs for the obligation to submit the Quarterly Statistics Form. The key takeaways from CySEC’s C611 circular can be found below: The latest version of the Form QST-CIF, Version...
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DECEMBER 9 2023. The EU becomes the very first continent to set clear rules for the use of AI. The AI Act shall facilitate EU start-ups and researchers to lead the global AI race. EU legislators agreed on a two-tier approach, with (1) transparency requirements for all general-purpose AI models (such as ChatGPT) and (2) stronger requirements for powerful models with systemic impacts across the...
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UK Investment advisers will be soon required by Financial Conduct Authority to set aside money to cover the cost of potential redress schemes that would ensure the “polluter pays” when consumers are harmed. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants the financial advice market to make sure consumers can access the support they need from financially resilient advice firms. Reasoning for this new requirement: “Diligent advisers...
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Businesses are taking steps to boost their geopolitical expertise to help with increasingly delicate judgments on target markets and supply chains. While some are using specialist consultancies others, such as Hitachi and Lazard, have been hiring former diplomats, civil servants and politicians to provide advice. Lord Malloch Brown, an ex-diplomat and president of the Open Society Foundations, said “There was always some retired diplomat in...
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Relevant to: Regulated Entities1 Circular C601 (“the Circular”) dated 12/10/2023 is issued following EBA’s Guidelines on the use of Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions under Article 13(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/849. Through Circular C601, CySEC wishes to inform to inform the Regulated Entities that the EBA has published its Guidelines on the use of Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions under Article 13(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/849 (‘Guidelines’)....
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