Relevant to: Regulated Entities 1 Circular C577 (“the Circular”) dated 06/06/2023 informs Regulated Entities on European Banking Authority’s (‘EBA’) public Consultation Paper on amendments to its Guidelines on money laundering and terrorist financing risk factors, to include crypto-asset service providers. Through Circular C577, CySEC wishes to inform Regulated Entities that EBA, on 31st May 2023,...Read More
Relevant to: Regulated Entities 1 Circular C579 (“the Circular”) dated 06/06/2023 informs Regulated Entities on ESMA Guidelines on certain aspects of the MIFID II suitability requirements. Through Circular C579, CySEC wishes to inform Regulated Entities that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published, on April 4, 2023, the Guidelines on certain aspects of the...Read More
Relevant to: Regulated Entities 1 Circular C578 (“the Circular”) dated 06/06/2023 informs Regulated Entities on ESMA Guidelines on certain aspects of the MIFID II remuneration requirements. Through Circular C578, CySEC wishes to inform Regulated Entities that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published, on April 3, 2023, the Guidelines on certain aspects of the...Read More