“The New Prudential Framework for Investment Firms: IFR & IFD”

Home Events “The New Prudential Framework for Investment Firms: IFR & IFD”

“The New Prudential Framework for Investment Firms: IFR & IFD”

Webinar’s Overview

To gain the relevant knowledge to maintain regulatory compliance with the new Investment Firms Regulation and Directive (IFR/IFD) that will be applicable for all Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs) from June 26, 2021, onwards.

Webinar’s Goals
  • To understand the provisions of the new Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) and Investment Firms Directive (IFD);Webinar’s Goals
  • To be aware of the new reporting requirements of CIFs arising from the implementation of Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) and Investment Firms Directive (IFD);
  • To categorise a CIF into one of three classes (Class 1-3) and learn the implications in terms of capital requirements;
  • To prepare the relevant new regulatory reporting for the supervisory authority;
  • To establish new internal policies in accordance with the new Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) and Investment Firms Directive (IFD);
  • To set up the relevant procedures and systems needed to efficiently calculate the new k-factors;
  • To be able to calculate the K-factors and the corresponding capital requirements under the new rules;
  • To cooperate with the relevant departments within the Company to gain the relevant information needed from each department to calculate the new k-factors and capital requirements;
  • To create a data warehouse with historically (no longer rely on manually retrieved data saved in multiple sources with no history and no reconciliations);
  • To justify to the relevant regulatory authorities under which Class the CIF should be categorised and how their capital requirements should be calculated.


Jun 11 2021


08:30 - 15:30

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MS Teams
MNK Risk Consulting Ltd


MNK Risk Consulting Ltd
+357 25508201
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